Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day

We've established a second tradition: Lego Day. No one really wants to go out on Boxing Day; no matter how good the sales are, the stress levels are just too high! And so, a day spent at home creating Lego masterpieces.

Sam wanted a specific castle that was proving difficult to find, so we spent the morning shopping the local department stores- Lotte Mart and Home Plus. Failing in our search, Sam found the Korean Toys R Us headquarters online, and we hopped on the subway. It was a really nice day, snowy but bright, and we had some fun finding our way there. Once we arrived, it was like jumping into a kids playroom! We bought some board games (Korean Settlers of Catan!), spent a lot of time in the Lego area, and checked out the video games. To make life even easier, we got delicious cheap pizza on our way home.

It was a pretty fun day. Adventures, kids toys, pizza, and Lego!

Happy Lego Day!

The aforementioned lego!

A cute Hello Kitty toaster at Lotte Mart.

Home Plus is always busy!

The love dried fish here. Can you see the flattened squid?

The most wonderful place ever.


5$ for a pizza!

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